The practice of law isn’t always a noble profession, it doesn’t always lend itself to principles or scruples, and it certainly has days where it can seem like you’re tilting at windmills.

For me, however, the practice of law IS a noble profession, it DOES comport with deeply held principles, and it CAN help make the world a better place...if you’re doing it right.

What does that mean? It means being the kind of attorney that does right by the law and their client, the kind of attorney that guides the law towards justice, and the kind of attorney that elevates the profession.

Every step of my journey in the legal profession has been about justice - justice for victims and justice for clients. Whether it was a junior Assistant District Attorney in Brooklyn fresh out of law school, serving as Rockland County’s first Chief of the Special Victims Unit, or being named the first Special Prosecutor & Inspector General for the New York State Justice Center, I have been a trailblazer - my legal career has been about justice and service.

When confronted with a toxic and unacceptable workplace environment at my own job, I didn’t stay silent - I stood up and spoke out. And even though my refusal to be silent came at a price, it also made me stronger and a better lawyer - doing what I’ve urged hundreds of victims to do so themselves. I did so, not because it was easy (it wasn’t), but because it was the right thing to do.

Now in private practice, I still believe in the nobility of the profession of practicing law. It isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it. That means being a steadfast advocate for my clients; providing a quality and ethical representation; and again, guiding the law towards justice.

In private practice, I continue to be a strong advocate for those in need. From my pro-bono immigration work with Catholic Charities, continuing to take court-assigned cases for indigent clients, to means-based billing for private clients, I am always on the side of justice and doing what’s right.

These are my values, what I live by, and how I conduct myself personally and professionally.

- Patricia E. Gunning, Esq.